Welcome to The Cheshire Club's blog page. As a prominent networking group in the region, The Cheshire Club prides itself on fostering meaningful connections, facilitating professional growth, and creating valuable opportunities for its members. Dive into our blog to stay updated on whats been happening, gain insights into effective networking strategies, and hear success stories from our vibrant community of professionals. Whether you're a seasoned networker or just starting out on your networking journey, The Cheshire Club blog has something for everyone. Join us as we navigate the dynamic world of networking together!

Finding Balance

Joanna Scott-Aspray (15.02.2024)

So today I talk about finding balance when you're self-employed which I know can be a challenge, but it's essential to prioritise making time for yourself amidst the hustle and bustle of running your own business.

As someone who's been entrenched in the self-employed world for years, I understand the struggle all too well. That's why I'm excited to share some tips on how to carve out that much-needed me-time, especially as I prepare for my first getaway, coinciding with the significant day of International Women's Day this year leaving the events behind. It's a symbolic step for me, as I'm finally practicing what I preach about selfcare and worklife balance!

 Tips for Making Time for Yourself:

Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal time. Designate specific hours for work and stick to them, allowing yourself to fully disconnect during off-hours.

Prioritise Self-Care: Make selfcare a non-negotiable part of your routine. Whether it's a daily meditation practice, regular exercise, or indulging in a hobby, prioritise activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul.

Delegate Tasks: Don't be afraid to delegate tasks or outsource responsibilities that eat into your personal time. Investing in support services or asking friends or colleagues can alleviate stress and free up valuable time for yourself.

Schedule Downtime: Block out time in your calendar for relaxation and leisure activities. Treat this time with the same level of importance as you would a business meeting, and guard it fiercely.

Connect with Others: Surround yourself with a supportive network of fellow entrepreneurs, mentors, and like-minded individuals who understand the challenges of self-employment. Seek out networking platforms, mentorship opportunities, or membership communities like The Cheshire Club where you can exchange ideas, receive guidance, and find camaraderie on your journey.

Remember, making time for yourself isn't selfish—it's necessary for your overall wellbeing and success as an entrepreneur.

So, embrace the journey of self discovery and selfcare, and watch how it positively impacts both your personal and professional life.

Here's to prioritising ourselves and celebrating the journey together! 

P.S. And yes that’s me in my PJ’s - getting s**t done !

#SelfEmployed #SelfCare #WorkLifeBalance #InternationalW

#SelfEmployed #Sel

Today we talk about

Seeking Support

Joanna Scott-Aspray (31.01.2024)

Navigating Overwhelm in the Business Jungle

Being an entrepreneur is an exhilarating journey, but let's be real – there are moments when the overwhelm hits hard. Recently, I found myself in the thick of it, juggling priorities and feeling stretched. I believe in the strength of our community, especially when you have invested time and money into a particular platform.

Connecting with fellow business warriors has been a lifeline. The power of shared experiences is unmatched. If you've been through this overwhelm wave, I'd love to hear how you navigated it.

Here are some tips that have helped me, and I'd love to hear yours:

 Lean on Your Tribe: Your business tribe understands the struggle. Share your challenges; you might find valuable insights and empathy.

 Meet People, Virtually or In-Person: Networking can bring fresh perspectives, support and make you feel inspired. Attend events to gain insights and forge new connections.

Try our brunch club networking out

The Brunch Club

 Open Up: Don't hesitate to ask for help. It's not a sign of weakness but a testament to your commitment to growth.

 Prioritise Tasks Strategically: Identify critical tasks and tackle them first. Break down larger projects into manageable steps.

 Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. It fuels motivation in the face of overwhelm.

 Join a vibrant, friendly and supportive business community- somewhere you can be yourself, seek advice and connections informally and effortlessly.

Take a look at our Membership Page

I'm here with an open heart and a humble request: share your experiences and tips. Let's turn this overwhelm into an opportunity for collective growth.

Together, we're unstoppable. 

Have a great week!

elfCare #

let's talk about the power of embracing

progress over perfection.

Joanna Scott-Aspray (11.01.2024)

Today, let's talk about the power of embracing progress over perfection.

We often find ourselves caught in the web of perfectionism, hesitating to take action unless everything is flawless. But here's a friendly reminder: it's better to take imperfect action than to not take any action at all. Imperfections are part of the journey, and they lead to growth and learning.

Don't let the small stuff hold you back. Life is too short to be bogged down by minor details. Instead, focus on the bigger picture and the strides you're making towards your goals.

Procrastination is a common hurdle, but breaking free from it opens doors to success.

Ready to take that leap?

I'm here to help guide you on your journey. Book a clarity chat over coffee (what’s not to love!) with me at and let's explore the possibilities together.

Whether it's personal development, career advancement, or overcoming challenges, let's make things happen and achieve the results you desire.

Join me in embracing progress, letting go of perfectionism, and conquering procrastination.

Together, we'll create a path towards a more fulfilling and successful life.

I look forward to speaking with you soon


Seize the opportunity to thrive and make things happen in 2024! .

Joanna Scott-Aspray (29.12.2023)

Seize the opportunity to thrive and make things happen in 2024! .

Take control of your destiny as a business owner with our unwavering support and personalised training to run your own Brunch Club.

Our events empower you to craft a schedule that aligns seamlessly with your lifestyle and work commitments.

Achieve the ideal work-life balance and relish the sweet fruits of success as you expand your venture, gaining financial rewards and opportunities to meet new people.

Are you a masterful event organiser, a savvy networker, and a true people person with a pulse on your community?

The role of leading The Cheshire Club Brunch Club’s awaits you!

Don't miss out – join our exclusive waitlist for a sneak peek into upcoming locations. The excitement is building, and we can't wait for you to be a part of our thriving club!

Explore investment opportunities now – send us a message for more details making sure you include your email.

Your journey to success starts here!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Seize the opportunity to thrive and make things happen in 2024! .

Take ontrol of your destiny as a business owner with our unwavering support and personalised training to run your own

Brunch Club.

Our events empower you to craft a schedule that aligns seamlessly with your lifestyle and work commitments.

Achieve the ideal work-life balance and relish the sweet fruits of success as you expand your venture, gaining financial rewards and opportunities to meet new people.

Are you a masterful event organiser, a savvy networker, and a true people person with a pulse on your community?

The role of leading The Cheshire Club Brunch Club’s awaits you!

Don't miss out – join our exclusive waitlist for a sneak peek into upcoming locations. The excitement is building, and we can't wait for you to be a part of our thriving club!

Explore investment opportunities now – send us a message for more details making sure you include your email.

Your journey to success starts here!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Are you seriously ready to level up your business in 2024?

Joanna Scott-Aspray (29.12.2023)

Are you seriously ready to level up your business in 2024? It's time to embrace organisation, planning, and strategic thinking!

Here are some tips to kickstart your journey:

 Set Clear Goals: Define specific, measurable, and achievable objectives for your business. Whether it's revenue targets, market expansion, or product launches, clarity is key.

 Create a Roadmap: Develop a detailed plan outlining the steps needed to achieve your goals. A roadmap provides direction, helping you navigate challenges and celebrate milestones.

 Prioritise Tasks: Identify high-impact activities and prioritise them. Focus on what truly moves the needle and allocate your resources efficiently.

 Utilise Technology: Explore tools and technology that streamline processes. From project management to customer relationship management, leverage tech to enhance productivity.

 Adaptability is Key: In a dynamic business environment, staying adaptable is crucial. Be open to adjusting your strategies based on market trends and feedback.

 Listen to others and take advice: Book a mentor or coach; someone that can spend time with you and help and support your ideas and goals.

Book me now for 2024

 Meet new contacts: Staying in the same circles and going to the same old events or more importantly sitting with the same people may feel comfortable but you’re not attracting new connections so either mix it up by trying something new or try sitting in a completely different place next time you go to an event with brand new people. Try our first networking event of the year KNUTSFORD: The Brunch Club  

 Be around supportive people: The Cheshire Club has many likeminded business owner members so by joining us you will start connecting and receiving support straightaway as well as gain visibility opportunities and help.

Why does this matter?

Having a solid plan and strategy:

Ensures Focus: Keeps you or your team aligned and working towards common objectives, reducing distractions.

Accountability: Helps you stay on track and achieve goals faster especially when you have a support system in place.

Facilitates Growth: Provides a structured path for scaling your business and seizing opportunities.

Improves Efficiency: Streamlines operations, saving time and resources.

Mitigates Risks: Identifies potential challenges early, allowing for proactive risk management.

Support: Don’t be alone you can achieve so much more around the right people. Utilise the start of 2024 by taking a pledge for change, take on commitments and take action.

Ready to transform your business in 2024?

Let's embrace organisation, plan strategically, and watch success unfold!

Merry Christmas @everyone and all the very best for the coming year 

See you soon


Let’s talk about consistency. 

Joanna Scott-Aspray (11.12.2023)

So today let’s talk about consistency.

The main challenge often lies in the tendency to complicate and overthink business visibility and marketing.

Don’t keep changing strategies: Maintain a consistent presence. Direct your focus towards daily activities and outputs, emphasising visibility and growth.

Keep focused:

Consider a mentor or coach such as myself for the whole of 2024 to keep you motivated and focused. You can achieve anything you put your mind to and truly believe in yourself. Having someone on your side and by your side is the icing on the cake.

Take a stab at simplicity:

Begin by crafting a compelling offer. Establish a daily routine on a chosen platform like The Cheshire Club, actively seeking connections and building an audience. Consistently share posts about your offer, your business, and engage with others by offering support and encouragement.

Embrace repetition:

Continue this daily cycle, persisting through potential challenges or varied responses. Patience is crucial as you allow people to become familiar with you, developing trust and motivation to address the problems you can solve once they have the means to do so.

Build relationships:

Attend events and networking regularly such as the KNUTSFORD: The Brunch Club ; share your knowledge and skills with others, helping them and motivating them. Be part of a supportive community to be seen and be supported.

Imagine the impact if you commit unwaveringly to this approach throughout the entirety of next year. A pledge to yourself or a business commitment that’s likely to yield substantial results and benefits.

I hope to welcome you to our amazing and friendly community ready for the new year!

Don’t think too much on this, just do it !

Joanna x

The perfect mix of business and pleasure

The perfect mix of business and pleasure

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